Increase your revenue with the same number of employees

Enhance your sales with the AI-based all-in-one sales intelligence platform for distributors

Increase sales through AI recommendations
Time savings per employee per week
ROI for Plato customers

Plato erweitert Ihr ERP-System um eine KI-basierte Intelligenzebene

Revenue growth

Boost your revenue with proactive AI analyses like churn alerts and up- & cross-selling

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Up- & cross-selling

Up- and cross-selling recommendations with intelligent customer segmentation
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Churn alerts
Automatic churn alerts for every customer


Generative AI for automating manual sales processes

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Data search via chat

Quickly extract customer and product information from your system with Plato
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Auto-fill ERP data
Plato allows your employees to handle repetitive sales processes automatically

Improved master data

Enrich ERP data with external information

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Data enrichment

Plato enhances and cleans your customer, employee, and product data
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Targeted customer engagement
Plan effective sales and marketing actions based on new insights into your data

Optimized customer communication

Define and automate sales processes in Plato

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Personalized emails

Automatically create individual email sequences with generative AI based on specific product recommendations
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Automatic contact suggestions
Automatically engage customers with high purchase likelihood, making it scalable to serve even small customers

Plato gibt von überall Zugriff auf Ihr ERP und vereinfacht Prozesse im B2B-Vertrieb

Optimized communication

Improved information exchange between inside & field sales

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Centralized customer service

Plato allows inside and field sales teams to collaborate on one platform and manage customer information
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Asynchronous communication
Plato saves employees time in customer coordination thanks to note and task functions

Cloud-based ERP access

Create quotes & orders on the go with cloud-based ERP access

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Better conversion rate

Plato increases the conversion rate of quotes to orders through mobile process management
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More efficient processes
Plato reduces the time employees need to find products and create quotes and orders

Digital product catalog

Make every employee an expert on your product catalog1.

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Visual catalog

Plato extends product data and includes product images, enabling you to best advise your customers
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Error-tolerant product search
Plato helps even new employees intuitively search your product catalog

Integrated software

All-in-one solution for distributors - goodbye second screen

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Industry solution

Plato allows B2B sales to work on one platform and integrate your systems & colleagues
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No duplicate work
Thanks to Plato's deep integration, other departments also receive all information directly in their systems

Highest compliance level

Our team of data protection experts supports the integration and secures potential risks with a product privacy policy and AI & cyber insurance

Secure VPN data processing

Plato minimally accesses necessary data via high-security VPN to realize added value and modernize your ERP

German data hosting

All servers are in Germany, ISO/IEC 27001 certified, and Plato covers the server costs for AI analyses and software provision

Häufige Fragen

Does Plato already work with my ERP system?

We work with all common ERP systems in the DACH distribution sector. It’s best to schedule a non-binding conversation with us so we can evaluate your situation together.

How long does an ERP integration take?

For our core systems, an ERP integration takes a few days until you have access to your data in Plato.

How does onboarding with Plato work?

Our motto is "by traders for traders." We accompany each implementation on an equal footing and in person to ensure your team can make the best use of our software. At the same time, we are happy to support your steering committee as a permanent part.

Does Plato also work for my industry?

Plato currently focuses only on distribution companies. While we see the need for our software for other service providers or manufacturers, we are convinced that our narrow focus makes us the best AI software for B2B vendors.

We are a manufacturer but have a wholesale arm. Can we also use Plato?

You are welcome to contact our team. While we primarily focus on B2B commerce, we can certainly consider your individual situation together.

How can I be sure that my master data is good enough?

Plato primarily uses existing transaction data from your ERP system and can handle all forms of data. Our team has developed various methods to clean, restructure, or enrich your data with external information.

What happens to my data when I work with Plato?

Plato hosts all data in Germany on a secure server and develops all AI models according to the highest German quality standards without data being transferred to another country. If you have any questions, we can discuss this in more detail with our data protection expert.

Schedule a non-binding meeting

Portrait of a young blonde man
Benedikt Nolte
Co-founder and CEO

Let’s have a chat!

I look forward to understanding your goals and challenges in a non-binding conversation and exploring the potential for your company together

Individual AI potential analysis for you and your team

Best practices and case studies from other customers

A product tour tailored to your interests