
General Information and Legal Notices: Our privacy policy explains how data is collected, used, and disclosed by DM Technologies (also known as Plato) when you use our website or otherwise interact with us.

1.0 — Overview


At DM Technologies, we are committed to protecting your privacy. This privacy policy applies to the information and data we collect as a controller, including information collected on our website ( or through other channels as described below. It is important to us that the personal data of our website visitors, our (potential) customers, and our (future) partners ("you") is treated with care and that you are well-informed about how we process your personal data. We have drafted this privacy policy to explain what data we process, how, why, and for how long we do so, and what rights you have.

This privacy policy does not apply to the data we process on behalf of our customers (customer data) in our capacity as a processor. Your use of the Plato platform as a customer of DM Technologies is covered by our product privacy policy under a separate data processing agreement.

If you have any questions about this privacy policy or how we handle the information you provide, please contact us by email at or by mail at DM Technologies, Rosenthaler Str. 63-64, 10119 Berlin, Germany.

2.0 — What types of personal data do we collect and why?

2.1 — Data we collect when you visit our websiteWhen you visit our website, we process your IP address, Google Analytics ID, internet browser and device type, location data, and your usage of the website, including the pages visited, how you arrived at our website, and the duration and frequency of your visits. We use this data to ensure our website functions properly, including debugging, providing content, and protecting against DDoS attacks on our website, improving our website, and conducting statistical analyses to optimize our website. We also use this information to present you with personalized offers tailored to your needs and to customize what we show you based on your previous consent.

We collect this data using cookies and similar technologies, including tags/beacons and JavaScripts. More information about these technologies can be found in the Cookies section below.

We collect information about how you use our website, such as which landing pages you visit and which articles you view and for how long, to assess what we can do for you. For example, if you read about our products and services on our website, we might classify you as a visitor interested in our products and services and, therefore, as a potential customer. Based on the audience we expect you to belong to, we may take action by contacting you with offers for our products and services if we have your consent.

2.2 — Data we collect when you contact us or ask us to contact youYou can use our website to contact us or request that we contact you. When you do, we collect the information you provide, including your name, company, and contact details, contact center provider, and other information you provide to us. You can also contact us by phone or email, for example, using the contact details provided on our website. When you do, we collect your name, company, and contact details, as well as any other information we need to assist you and/or communicate with you.

We use the above data to respond to your questions, address your requests, and/or schedule a product demonstration for you. We use this data in our legitimate interest to follow up with you. We also use the above data in our legitimate interest to conduct business with you and manage our internal administration, establish and fulfill our contract with you, conduct market research to improve our products and services, and offer tailored products and services to our (future) customers.

2.3 — Data we process for our newsletter and marketing purposesYou can sign up for our newsletter or receive event invitations with your name and email address via the registration form on our website. When you fill out this form, you give your consent to receive our newsletter and invitations. You can unsubscribe from these emails at any time by following the instructions in one of the newsletters.

If you are already one of our customers, we may contact you regarding relevant products or services in our legitimate interest to develop our business. If you are not yet a customer, we will only send you marketing content, such as emails or LinkedIn messages with offers or information about our products or services, if you have given us your permission. When we contact you via email in this context, you will always have the option to unsubscribe at any time by following the instructions in the email.

You can also download content, such as whitepapers and research reports, from our website through the provided forms. We collect the data you fill out on the form, including your name, company, country, and email address. We process the data you provide on this form in our legitimate interest to track who is downloading our content.

2.4 — Other purposesIf necessary, we may also process any of the above information in our legitimate interest to protect our legal rights, for example, in connection with legal claims, and if we have a legal obligation to process your information. We may also transfer your data in the event of a corporate restructuring, merger, or sale.

3.0 — How long do we keep your information?

We will only retain your data for as long as reasonably necessary for the purposes described above.

For example, data about your visits to our website will be stored until the end of your usage or browsing session, unless it is data collected for the analytical and marketing purposes mentioned above. In such cases, we will retain your information for up to 2 years after collection.

If you become one of our customers, we will retain high-level information regarding our business relationship, for which we are the controller, for up to 7 years after the end of your contract with us. For any information for which we are the data processor, particularly "customer data," as defined in our product privacy policy, we will only retain it as long as we have a valid contract with the customer.

We retain the information we process as a result of your subscription to our newsletters or because you have consented to receive information about our products and services or offers until you decide you no longer wish to receive these mailings.

The above retention periods may be longer if we are legally required to retain data for a longer period or to manage our business. If we need to retain information for our legitimate interest in protecting our legal rights, we will retain the necessary information for this purpose until the relevant claims are resolved.

4.0 — Social Media Buttons

We use plugins on our website from social networks such as LinkedIn. You can recognize these plugins by their logos. We also use plugins for the embedded video players found on our website. Our plugins do not collect personal data about you unless you click on these logos or videos. If you click on them, these plugins are activated, and data is automatically transmitted to the plugin provider.

We have no control over what data these providers collect from you, and we are not informed about the extent of their data processing. If you want to learn more about their data processing, you can find more information in the respective privacy policies on these providers' websites.

5.0 — Cookies

We use cookies and similar technologies, such as tags/beacons and JavaScripts, which are small text files stored on your device. By using cookies, we can ensure that our website is continuously improved, meets your needs, and serves as a tool to optimize our marketing strategy. To do this, we use functional cookies to make the website operational and marketing cookies to help us target the right people and show them advertisements. Some of these cookies track your use of our website and visits to other websites, allowing us to show you advertisements when you visit other websites.

5.2 — Google Analytics
We use Google Analytics to obtain statistics about the usage and page views of our website. Google Analytics provides insights into website traffic, user behavior, devices, countries, and other similar metrics. We do not send any personal data to Google Analytics, and an individual user cannot be identified based on the Google Analytics data. Google Analytics cookies have a lifespan of 2 years.

You can prevent the collection of your usage data by Google Analytics by installing the official Google Analytics opt-out browser extension.

5.3 — HubSpot
We use HubSpot as our sales and marketing CRM, integrated with our website to track the behavior of existing CRM contacts on our website. This allows us to better understand the needs of our visitors and personalize our interactions with them.

Our HubSpot cookies track website visits, visited pages, visitor origins, and form submissions, among other things.

5.4 — Posthog
We use Posthog to obtain statistical insights into the use of our website. Posthog provides anonymized usage heatmaps and recordings. We do not send any content or data that could be used to identify the user to Posthog.

More information about Posthog can be found in the "About Posthog" section on the Posthog website. Posthog supports its users/customers in providing a better experience and service to their end-users, diagnosing technical issues, and analyzing user trends. Posthog's services primarily enhance the functionality of the Posthog-enabled website, making it more user-friendly, valuable, and easier to use.

5.5 — LinkedIn
We use LinkedIn as an advertising platform, and LinkedIn cookies are used to retarget website visitors whom we believe have a legitimate interest in our products and services. LinkedIn cookies have a lifespan of up to 2 years.

5.6 — Your options regarding cookies
Most web browsers offer controls that allow you to delete cookies and choose which sources you accept cookies from.

Manufacturer instructions for cookie controls in the most common web browsers:

6.0 — With whom do we share this information?

We require the assistance of third parties to provide you with our website as well as our products and services. Where necessary, we will share your information with our service providers and professional advisors, many of whom are listed above (e.g., IT providers, CRM providers, marketing support providers such as agencies managing our social media accounts, social media providers like LinkedIn, analysts, customer service providers, business development providers, and legal service providers). We have agreements with our service providers to protect your personal data.

If our company is sold or integrated with another company, your data will be disclosed to our advisors and the advisors of potential buyers and transferred to the new owners of the company.

Otherwise, we will not share your information with third parties unless we have your permission (e.g., if we want to share your data with another group company for their recruitment purposes), it is necessary in connection with the purposes mentioned above or with legal claims, or we have a legal obligation to do so.

7.0 — How do we protect your data?

We are committed to securing your personal data and have taken measures in this regard. To prevent unauthorized persons or parties from accessing your data, we have implemented a range of technical and organizational measures to protect and secure the information we process about you.

8.0 — Where do we transfer your data?

8.1 — International transfers within DM Technologies
Our corporate group is entirely based in Germany, and we do not transfer your data outside of Germany.

8.2 — International transfers to third parties
For service providers in the United States and other service providers outside the EEA, we rely on standard contractual clauses. If you would like more information about these safeguards, you can contact us using the contact details provided above.

9.0 — Your rights

You have the right to object to the processing of your personal data, including profiling. You can also request an overview of your information or a copy of it. You can also ask us to correct or delete certain data, restrict the processing of your data, or request that we transfer some of this information to other organizations. In some cases, you can object to the processing of your data, and if we have asked for your consent to process personal data, you can withdraw this consent at any time. Where we process your data in our legitimate interest, you can contact us if you want more information.

However, there are some exceptions to these rights. For example, we may not be able to delete your data if we are legally required to retain it or if we have it in connection with a contract with you. Similarly, access to your data may be denied if providing the information would disclose personal information about another person or if we are legally prevented from disclosing such information.

If you wish to exercise any of these rights, please contact us using the contact details provided in the overview section.

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