The revolution for wholesale distribution sales: How AI saves time and increases efficiency

The current state of wholesale distribution

Wholesale distribution is facing major challenges. Markets such as technical wholesale and the HVAC market are becoming increasingly competitive. The after-effects of the global pandemic and the threat of recession are adding to the pressure. According to a study by McKinsey, leading B2B companies are achieving around two and a half times higher gross margins by making targeted investments in the efficiency of their distribution (McKinsey Article), but what are the leading wholesale distributors doing differently? How do they turn challenges into growth opportunities? In addition to factors such as inflation and tighter margins, their own sales team plays a key role.

Challenges with Sales Representatives

A major bottleneck in wholesale distribution is the shortage of labor. An ageing workforce and difficulties in finding new employees make it difficult for wholesale distributors. Investing in staff training and development is crucial to overcoming these challenges. New employees must quickly become experts in a wide range of products that meet different customer needs.

This is where technology comes into play. By using AI, wholesale distributors can better support their employees and train new employees more quickly. AI in the area of sales intelligence and automation saves an enormous amount of time. On average, a sales representative spends two thirds of their time on tasks other than direct sales. This includes administrative tasks such as preparing customer visits or processing quotations, orders and complaints. ADMs only spend a third of their working time on customer contact and active selling. Strategic tasks such as acquiring new customers often have to take a back seat.

These administrative tasks may seem like a hurdle at first, but they have enormous potential to give ADMs more time for sales. A significant part of this administrative and reactive work can be automated with the help of sales intelligence and AI. But what should this look like? And can wholesale distributors even handle this efficiently so that the next “nice-to-have” software is not added to the sales arsenal?

Save time for your Sales Representatives with the Plato AI platform

The sales intelligence platform Plato helps wholesale distributors to relieve their sales team through AI and to offer field and office staff a variety of features to automate repetitive tasks and simplify data searches. Plato is an ERP add-on that acts as an intuitive user interface via computer or tablet. At the same time, Plato enhances conventional ERPs with an AI-based intelligence level that conveniently accompanies the employee's work process.

  • Automation of quotation creation: The automation of tasks in the ERP, such as the creation or tracking of quotations and orders in real time, reduces the effort required for manual activities and allows sales staff to focus on essential sales activities.
  • Prioritization of customers: With the help of Plato's AI recommendations, the most important customers can be quickly identified and the focus can be placed on the customers with the highest turnover. No long data queries from Controlling or tables from PowerBI that are difficult or almost impossible to analyze.
  • Time-saving CRM for wholesale distributors: Plato offers a user-friendly overview of customers that allows you to dive deep into different perspectives and metrics. Whether it's sales-different product categories, product preferences or a note about their favorite football club - everything is available in one place.
  • Knowledge stays in the company: With Plato's AI, undocumented employee knowledge is recorded in the sales process and trains the AI for future sales recommendations. This means that know-how remains within the company, even when experienced employees leave.
  • Quick training of new employees: New employees can quickly understand and win over customers with the user-friendly customer view and AI recommendations. This ensures a seamless transition between employees, while the customer continues to feel that they are receiving the right advice.

Invest more time better with the help of Plato for proactive sales

Plato not only frees up time in sales by reducing manual processes, but also offers targeted solutions to make the best possible use of these newly acquired resources.

  • Manage 10-20% more customers: With Plato, users can manage 10-20% more customer accounts. The automation of relevant evaluations and proactive notifications on risks and opportunities enable sales staff to have everything under control at all times.
  • Abwanderungswarnungen:  Platos KI erkennt Abweichungen im Kaufverhalten von Kunden und ermöglicht es den Vertriebsmitarbeitern, proaktiv auf Probleme zu reagieren und diese zu lösen. Somit kann ein Abwandern des Kunden vorgebeugt werden und es bleibt zeit Probleme gezielt zu besprechen.
  • Churn alerts:  Plato's AI recognizes deviations in customer purchasing behaviour and enables sales staff to proactively respond to and resolve problems. This prevents customer churn and leaves time to discuss problems in a targeted manner.
  • Developing and promoting talent: Plato dynamic and real-time insights help sales managers to optimally coach their teams and provide feedback to make them even more successful. This individualized approach can significantly strengthen employee loyalty, which promotes employees in the long term and positions the company as a sustainable employer.
  • Time for strategic projects: The time saved by Plato's support in day-to-day business makes it possible to tackle new projects. Whether acquiring new customers or strategically expanding the existing customer portfolio, there is now time again for such things.


With Plato, we provide distributors with the tools and insights they need to succeed in a highly competitive industry. Our software is more than just a tool; it's your partner on the path to optimized processes, increased efficiency and long-term growth. By leveraging cutting-edge technology, rapid automation and comprehensive data analytics, we help our customers achieve their goals and take their sales organizations to the next level.

Contact us today to find out how Plato can help your sales team spend more time on what really matters - selling.

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